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Coder Dojo in Irish Life (21)

Final Session of 2019

4th and 5th year students enjoyed their last Coder Dojo session in Irish Life before Christmas last Wednesday. The students cannot wait to go back after Christmas to move on to web design! Jessica and all the other mentors have been absolutley brilliant and made learnng so much fun! Thank you all so much and have a great Christmas!

Week 1

Some of our 4th and fifth years had their first Coder Dojo Class in Irish Life. It was a great experience for our students and they can't wait for their next class next week. Thanks to Jessica who planned and delivered the session helped by Caroline and Kevin. We could not believe the reception we got from about twenty staff that came along to help out. Thank you all so much.

Click here to see our Irish Life information page

Click here to see our visit to Irish Life for our P-Tech students