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Irish Life Mentor Program (6)

Students are asked to apply for a place on the programme and they are matched with a mentor for fifth and sixth year. The mentor meetings take place once a month from October to May and provide students with the opportunity to get advice from an outside perspective. This type of experience is invaluable to our students especially when it comes to supportung their choices after school. We are delighted to work alongside Irish Life in providing this opportunity to our students.

Students from 5th and 6th year are working with a team from Irish Life on a mentor programme. This is the third year of the programme and today students went down to Irish Life head office to meet with their mentors and have a tour of the building. All the students were very impressed with their offices. The boardroom, the gym and the postroom were among the highlights. Thanks to everyone in Irish Life for your support with the programme. Students will continue to meet with their mentors once a month for the duration of the school year.