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JCSP Business Trip to The Chocolate Warehouse (44)

Our second and third year Busienss students went out to visit the Chocolate Warehouse today. This trip will form part of their primary research for their Business CBA's which they will be starting over the coming weeks and months.

They learned the story of chocolate and how the cocoa beans are grown and harvested. They watched a film which showed the journey of the cocoa beans from the Aztecs to the factory and the process the cocoa beans go through to get the chocolate that we recognize today.

We were given a chocolate demonstration on how chocolates and Easter eggs are made. We were also shown the different machinery needed to make chocolate and the method of how to use a piping bag filled with chocolate.

We then got to fill the role of chocolatier where we all put on aprons and started the business of coating chocolates, adding toppings and hand piping with white chocolate. We got to decorate and package our own chocolates and take them home. 

Overall it was a really enjoyable day and not only did we get to learn a lot about how chocolate is made, but we also learned about the laws around packaging products, how the business has gone from using telephone and post as their methods of communication to now having a facbook following of over 20,000 people!! It has given a lot of food for thought for our budding entrepreneurs!

Thank you to everyone in the Chocolate Warehouse for facilitating our trip!