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JCSP Christmas Awards 2018 (32)

Thank you to all the students and parents for coming in to the library today to celebrate our JCSP Awards. Well done to the below students who received awards and to everyone else remember the next set of awards are in May so you have lots of time to work towards them.

Below is a list of our award winners.

Perfect Attendance 1st Years
Melissa Doyle
Mya Lynch
Lea Poorun
Melpatrick Rabadan
Agota Uiragh
Daguadorj Botkhuu
Ivano Halacek
Zlata Artemieva
Charlie Carroll
Tamzin Kelly

Perfect Attendance 3rd Years
Karl Cuaresma
Aleksandra Swiderska
Joanne Bambe
Alicia Jadia
Shane Libuna
Peng Hui Liu

JCSP Awards December 2018

Best Effort        Stefan Perju
Homework        Melpatrick Robadon
Participation    Lea Poorun

Best Effort            Katelyn Stringer
Homework            Anthony Sagardia Daza
Participation        Daguadorj Botkhuu

Best Effort            Karl Harmon
Homework            Patrick Lucaci
Participation        Sadbh O’Leary

Best Effort        Blake Egan 
Homework        Gizella Roldan
Participation    Jamie Keogh

Best Effort        Jessica Wang
Homework        David Latif
Participation    Christopher Oncea

Best Effort        Mansi Neerputh
Homework        Anamaria Nita
Participation    Szymon Warbecki

Best Effort        Trinity Moore     
Homework        Skye Murtagh
Participation    Lee O’Flaherty

Best Effort        Codie Cashin
Homework        Eric Martin
Participation    Moyin Olusona

Best Effort        Peng Hui Lin
Homework        Luke Hand
Participation    Suvd Ulamayar

Basketball Awards
1st Year Melpatrick Rabadon
2nd Year Gizelle Roldan
3rd Year Tatiana Orlov

Football Awards
1st Year Luke Kearns
2nd Year Leah Tighe
3rd Year Eoin Barbour

Arts Awards
1st Year Karl Harmon
2nd Year Sasha Donnelly
3rd Year Amelia Jackewicz