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TY Students Run Beactive Sports Programme Feb 2020 (25)

Week 2

Thanks once again to our TY Be Active group who hosted another fun session this afternoon with the 4th and 5th class pupils of Central Model senior school. The students have implemented and planned these lessons using their own initiative. We are super proud of them for all the effort. 

Week 1
It was with great pleasure we welcomed the 4th and 5th class pupils of Central Model Senior School to our beactive fun sports programme this afternoon. It is hoped this programme will help ease these pupils transition to second level education in the next couple of years. The pupils got to sample a selection of sports and activities offered to the students of Larkin. A special thanks to our TY students Anamaria, Ryan, Denis, Gio and Emmanuel who have taken ownership of this programme and have developed their own plans and structures for each event. Well done all.