What is a Student Council?
A Student Council is a representative structure for all the students in the school. It provides students with the opportunity to become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents. It should always work for the benefit of the school and its students.
Larkin Community College has an active Student Council (SC). It consists of 26 students and every year is well represented. Members wear a SC pin on their uniforms. All students are welcome to join the SC.
The SC has weekly meetings (Friday lunchtime in room 129) to discuss student issues brought to the council’s attention from class representatives, teachers or management. The SC examines each of the issues, discusses them in detail and attempts to come to a resolution. We send minutes of our weekly meeting to the senior management of Larkin Community College.
This ensures effective communication between representatives of the student population and senior management of the school.
The Student Council is regularly consulted by staff and management on policy changes, timetable changes or reviews and this provides students with an important voice on these matters.
Here is a sample of some recent Larkin Community College Student Council activities:
- Liaising with the Principal and Senior Management on issues of concern to students;
- Communication and co-operation with school staff;
- Co-operating with management and staff on the development of school rules and regulations;
- Involvement in School Planning;
- Involvement in development of school policies e.g. anti-bullying policy;
- Making suggestions about improving school facilities.
- We were recently involved in the setting up of the School lunches programme, meeting lunch company representatives, testing lunch products, gauging students’opinion regarding the lunches and feeding this information back to Senior Management.
- For the last number of years we have had SC representatives attend the AGM of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union in Liberty Hall. In previous years we have had students elected on to the board of the National Student Executive.