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Biology is the study of life.

Through the study of biology students employ the processes of science in their investigations and explore the diversity of life and the inter-relationship between organisms and their environment.

Students develop an understanding and knowledge of the unit of life – the cell – whose structures and processes are shared by all living organisms and, in so doing, gain an insight into the uniqueness, function and role of organisms, including themselves.

In addition, they become aware of the use by humans of other living organisms and their products to enhance human health and the human environment and make informed evaluations about contemporary biological issues.

The syllabus is composed of science for the enquiring mind or pure science, which constitutes approximately 70% of the syllabus, and the technological, political, social and economic aspects of biology, which constitutes the remaining 30%.

The syllabus consists of three units: 

  • Unit One: Biology - The Study of Life 
  • Unit Two: The Cell 
  • Unit Three: The Organism

The syllabus can be read in fully at the link below: