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History involves the study of people who lived in the past - ordinary people as well as famous people. In History, you will learn about the sources of evidence on which we base our understanding of their lives. You will find out about important changes that, over time, have helped to shape the world in which you live.

Some of the things you will learn include:

  • how people have lived during different periods
  • how we find out about the past
  • how important changes took place during different periods, what caused the changes and how people were affected by the changes
  • a broad understanding of local, Irish and international history

What is the History Junior Certificate exam like?

You will:

  • Answer questions on different historical sources, such as photographs, cartoons and letters
  • Write accounts of what life was like for different types of people in the past 
  • Answer questions about important events that happened in the past.

You can take the exam at Higher or Ordinary level.  When the time comes to decide, your teacher will help you choose the level that suits you best.

What is the History Leaving Certificate exam like?

The History syllabus is examined by means of: 

  • Written examination worth 80% of the marks
  • Report on the research study worth 20% of the marks. The report on the research topic is prepared and submitted in advance of the final examination. 

The examination at Higher Level consists of one documents based question and three essay style questions relating to topics 3 – 5.
The examination at Ordinary Level consists of one documents based question and three paragraph style questions relating to topics 3 – 5.