Pathways in Technology (P-Tech)
Senior students upload their Laptop Serial Numbers in February 2025 here.
Mentoring for 5th and 6th years
Click here for information about Mentoring
TY WORK PLACEMENT PROJECTS What types of projects can you work on?
1. Video editing project - You will develop a promotional video that launches a product / service to a particular target market. Opportunities to be creative and develop digital skills .
2. Sustainability and environmentally project - You will research and develop an environmental campaign for an Industry Partner. A chance to focus on making changes that matter.
3. Data analytics project - You will have the opportunity to analyse data and present key findings to an Industry Partner’s v client. A chance to be analytical and creative.
4. Recruitment campaign project - You will research and develop a targeted recruitment campaign for an Industry Partner.Innovative ideas are needed to promote your company to future employees.
5. Digital media project -
6. Legal project - You will research legal and ethical issues related to a new technology. You get to think about what’s legal, what’s right & wrong and how we live with technology intoday’s world.
Interested in Doing Something More Technical?
7. Digital technology project - You will redesign or improve an existing technical solution in are as such as Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence or Data Science. This projectdoes not require coding or programming skills .
8. Technology plus project - You will develop a technical solution to a problem. This is a chance for you to showcase your coding and technical abiliies and learn about the key skills required in software development.
TY application for NCI
Click HERE . If you encounter any issues with the link or the application process, please email
Spike Prime - Robotic Arm pdf Powerpoint
Bebras Challenge - Click here to practice or login
Media Coverage of Launch Independant .ie Business in the community Ireland
P-TECH In Schools in the NEIC
P-TECH combines post primary school with elements of third-level education and workplace experience. When students graduate from the P-TECH programme, they earn both their traditional second-level qualification and a third-level qualification, and will have the work experience needed to be a highly qualified candidate for employment in IT and related areas.
The P-TECH Programme affords students the opportunity to forge a future career in the digital economy. This programme focuses on the areas of Coding, Programming and Robotics. It enables students to develop their problem-solving skills, enhance creativity and prepare future generations for our ever-evolving technological world.
P-TECH also aims to tackle educational disadvantage and increase the numbers of students either finding employment in competitive entry level digital skills roles or progressing to higher education.
Indeed, the P-TECH model is a public education initiative that combines second-level school education with elements of third level education and work experiences such as mentorship and internships. It is directly aligned to job opportunities in the digital economy. Digital economy jobs include some of the technology industry's fastest growing fields, from cybersecurity and cloud computing to cognitive business and digital design, which may not require a university degree, but that may need a specific skillset instead. The programme will therefore involve a commitment of six years from our students to ensure they are prepared for the ever-changing landscape of technology.
P-Tech Developments in Europe
P-Tech Mentoring December 2020
P-Tech Deliver Goodies to Staff & Students
Virtual P-Tech Talk With 3rd Years
P-Tech Students Support Engineering Ireland at BTYSE
Irish Life Mentors give a great lesson to all 2nd year P-Tech Students
P-Tech Planning
P-Tech 1st Anniversary Celebrations
P-Tech Mentoring with Irish Life
P-Tech in the Classroom
Information Meeting for First Years
Workshop E
Workshop C
Visit to IBM X-Force Command Cyber Tactical Operations Centre
Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting
Drone Simulator
DroneBlocks Tello Simulator for Block and Python Coding