Important Information for Junior Cycle & Leaving Certificate Candidates 2023
The State Examinations Commision have requested that all Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate candidates watch the below short video which sets out some very important information to candidates in relation to the completion of their examinations.
The video contains key messages for candidates including:
- how they should provide key information on the front cover of their answer books that is essential to ensure their scripts are processed accurately and effectively;
- and the correct writing instruments that they should use in the examinations to ensure examiners can read their complete scripts.
This video can be found using the link below under the heading “Information for Candidates” . Please note you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see this.
All students watching this video and following the instructions will help ensure that their scripts are processed effectively.
Exam Timetables
Please click here to access the Leaving Certificate Timetable 2023
Please clck here to access the Leving Cert Applied Exam Timetable 2023