Transition year Trip to Spain
Our TY students had a wonderful trip on their MFL/Art trip to Spain. They spent their first day touring around Malaga. A beautiful city! They took in Malaga cathedral and all the wonderful architecture including the Roman Theatre. They kicked off day 2 with an early morning walk on the beach for sunrise. A great start to the trip.
Day 2 brought lots of lols, culture, sea life visit, boat trip, sun cream and rugby tackles on the beach. Memories that will last forever.
Day 3 was a day of fun in the sun on their tour of Malaga! They visited Isla Magica, Sevilla, had beach walks, circle time and a giant water fight against the teachers! A really great day filled with lots of fun and laughter!
Thanks to the students for making it a wonderful trip, to Ms. Kavanagh, Mr. Delaney and Ms. McKenzie for a wonderful few days!