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We currently offer four development programmes in Larkin Community College.

Learning Through Soccer

Learning through Soccer is a scholarship programme, originally started in partnership with Shelbourne Football Club, and is an innovative approach to education which combines Junior Cycle study with extra training and coaching in soccer. It is open to both boys and girls from all over Dublin. It is intended for students with an ability or interest in soccer.


Learning Through the Arts

Learning Through the Arts is a scholarship programme that is open to students from all over Dublin, who intend to enrol in first year in Larkin Community College. It is a cross-curricular programme, intended for students with an ability or interest in one or more of the areas of Art, Music, Drama or Dance.


Larkin Scholars

The Larkin Scholars programme is only available to currently-enrolled Larkin students. It rewards academic excellence and is intended to encourage students towards third-level education.

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Basketball Scholarship

Learning through Basketball  is an innovative approach to education which combines Junior Cycle study with extra training and coaching in basketball. It is open to both boys and girls from all over Dublin. It is intended for students with an ability or interest in basketball.